You know, with so many videos about how to grow a YouTube channel, I am constantly surprised at how little it's talked about how to keep the YouTube channel once you've grown it and how to keep it growing on a consistent basis. So for this video, I wanted to show you what I would do my best strategies for creating a fail proof YouTube channel. And I'll be offering something during this video that I'm super excited to share with you.
So let's get going. All right. And there you are howdy howdy, everyone. Innate here. So what makes a strong YouTube channel? It is these five pillars. So the very first thing that makes your channel invincible is investing in the right actions. Now what do I mean by that? I mean taking the actions that lead to the results that you want on your channel, because you can't control the results, the subscriber counts the income. You make all of those things, but you can control the actions and get this is going to sound stupidly simple, but there's a reason why I'm explaining this first, the more of these actions that you take.
The more quickly you will get the results you're looking for. So it stands to reason that the more time that you spend taking actions that lead to your desired result, you've got your goal going on, you know, here's you, here's your goal. The more of the actions you can take along the way that aren't meandering, that are actually on track leading to that goal, the more quickly your channel will grow. So in order to take more of the right actions and invest in those right actions, I would distilled it down into my beautiful emoji here of clarity.
You see the more clear that you are on where you are right now, as well as the more clear you want on where you want to be. Those two things alone will dramatically improve your ability to take right actions. So what does this actually look like in action? There's one person I can think of that knows this perhaps better than anyone else. Let me go get her. So Anna is in charge of the entire project 24 community, and in fact, when you join, she's one of the first people that you meet.
She is super awesome, but you're welcome. But for purposes of this video, and I was thinking we could look at a few project 24 members channels and kind of look at what they're doing well, as well as kind of analyze these principles that we're going to cover in this video. Yeah, that sounds awesome. Let's do it awesome let's do it. Are you, have you been building, making packages? Yeah, I've just been building some packages for our members. No big deal. I'm excited for whoever gets one sixty seven right there.
Look out for that. So first channel, this is cat and dog. This, I love this channel. It's all about her and her German shepherd. The other channel is Airplane Academy. This is Charlie. He's been doing this for a couple years. And in fact, i think you knew this. I talked with Charlie a while ago. I interviewed him way back when. He was just having a video. It was just starting to take off and he had a video go viral.
First channel. And since then it's been fun to see the channel growing since then. But let's talk about what's going on with these channels. I asked them a few different questions and they got back to me with some good answers here. So cat, one of her biggest goals is to get one hundred thousand euros per year in the next two years. So that's an awesome goal and she's been doing a really good job.
This channel, by the way, has only been going for about 5 months and she's already over 1000 subscribers, so she's well on her way yeah and you and I got monetized. Yeah, great. You and I, Nate, have been both helping out cat and talking her through quite a bit. So with this channel, what's interesting to me because we're talking in terms of building a strong channel, this one's interesting to me because she is rocking thumbnails. Anybody watching this, take note of how cat is doing thumbnails.
She is dominating thumbnails. Like this is perfect now. There's a two things that I wanted to address we were talking about here. One is the titles for the videos. This is a pivot I would take as well as let's speak to in terms of building a strong channel, we want to reach a hundred thousand euros per year. Let's talk on those two things. So the first one titles, the immediate thing that's got me a little bit concerned for the growth of this channel is that it's not necessarily easy to be found with these titles. And you were, I know you were mentioning that, yeah, with having a pretty new channel, these titles.
Look mostly like interest type titles, which is OK, but of course in the beginning you're trying to get traffic from kind of all over, which also includes search traffic. So some of the things that you and I had just discussed, Nate is trying to make these a little bit more of a combination of like a search type title, something that the algorithm is really going to know what the video is about. As well as making it really interesting for the viewer to click on this one, my dog loves being brushed. My issue with this title right here on this video is not that it's not like, you know, it's oh, it's a description of the video, but it doesn't necessarily.
Tell me that it's going to piggyback on other trends on YouTube. So taking this title and changing it into something like will my dog let me brush them for 20 minutes straight. That's already taking a bit of a different thing. Or if there's a challenge, a trend going around piggybacking on that challenge and something like with this search element, dog brushing challenge, my dog couldn't take it or something like that. So it's worth sprucing it up, adding a little juiciness to the title.
So let's talk to the second goal here, a hundred thousand euros if cat were to come to me and say this is my. I would say, first of all, we need to get as many eyeballs as possible on this content. So I need to tap into all of these elements we were talking about with titles here. And then my next play is once I've got the audience and as I'm building the audience, sponsors, if you're doing sponsored videos and you're charging about two to five thousand euros per sponsor video, that's really not unrealistic by the way.
It is really simple at that point. If you're publishing regularly to hit that milestone, I think cat can totally do it. Yeah, absolutely. And the cool thing about her channel is she is on the right track as far as having those videos already in place for that type of sponsor. So if you actually sort by most popular, she's got some videos that are already really starting to pop, like this one with 250,000 thousand views just four months ago. If she asked a sponsor or proposes the idea to them and shows them that she actually already has the audience and the potential for all those eyeballs to watch.
Watcher videos. A sponsor is gonna really like that idea. All right, let's talk airplane Academy. Now, this channel is all about educating people about airplanes and he's trying to encourage people to buy an airplane to experience it more. Because a lot of people think of that. It's not possible. But let's look at his goals. What did he say? He's wanting with his channel. He wants to continue and find the real pain points that new pilots go through. And he also wants to do more like affiliate offers in. His videos. So when I'm looking at this, we're trying to approach new people that are trying to help their pain points, right, that are learning aviation, but then also kind of get more affiliate earnings.
So there's one thing that I think he should do that will dramatically help his channel build it stronger in the long term. And let me show you what I mean here. This one, this was published 10 days ago as of recording this exact steps to buying your first airplane. Now when you watching this, when you look at that you think that's awesome. Like it's a guide video. It's a video. To teach me, I'm a beginner. These are my exact steps. Here's my issue. It's only 10 minutes, 10 and a half minutes. Long here's the thing, you would think you should just make your videos as short as possible but audience perception before going to this video if I'm a beginner.
And you can bet I'm going to be researching that heck out of everything if I want to if I'm actually going to buy an airplane. And so this video needs to be longer, 20 to 30 minutes at least because the perception of value before even watching the video. A lot of your videos. Like Nate said, are going to be shorter. You know that 8 minute average 6 minutes. But this one, like you said, can be longer because this is the main meat of his channel. Buying your first airplane as a new pilot or maybe an experienced pilot, but people want to soak this information up before they make that huge purchase, so they're willing to invest their time and watch that long of a video.
This could also be a bigger video on the channel that can relate to other. Smaller videos that kind of continue that journey for the viewer. If they're going to want to watch this big one, they're going to want to know all the other little steps that go along with buying an airplane exactly and we're realizing he's doing Dang good on his titles. Like his titles are awesome. I love how approachable they are. This one man. This would have made my pilot license so much easier, licenses so much easier.
That's a very approachable good, interesting title but i think in a bit, we're actually leaving by the wayside some of his search traffic, potential search traffic. So this one exact steps to buying your first airplane. That's great, but this is a bit of a miss of my take on this is a bit of a miss because it needs to be longer. But also the title could be a little bit even more tailored towards search.
What is somebody searching? How to buy my first airplane? So this is 7 steps or how to buy your first airplane, seven steps or something like that. I think we need to tweak these titles. If we're again going back to Charlie's goals here, if the goal is to help new pilots, we need to get found first. But search, I think, is something that will really help this channel get this to the next level. All right. So I think it's time to say goodbye. Thank you. Thank you, Anna. Thank you. So how would go about explaining this would be with a visual you see, if you have over here where you want, where you are right now, right.
And you have over here. If I get this right, we have over here where you want to be. There's something, there's some sequence of events that need to happen in order to get where you want to be the right actions. You need to take that get you the desired result. Now remember here, we're not just focusing on the result as like that is our goal because we can't directly control the result. What we're focusing on is the actions that lead to that result. But one of the biggest issues I see channel makers making is they'll look at this and they'll think, well, i sort of want to be.
Over here, they don't necessarily have clarity. I sort of want to be over here, but then we see all this other stuff, all this stuff everywhere else that we need to be doing in order to get here. And when we focus on all of this, that's when we start having breakdowns and we start having a lot of issues because it's all of it rather than the next step. So what I'm looking for here is, here's where you are right now, this is where you are right now. This is where you want to be. What's the very next action? What is the very next series of actions that will take you right here, and then right here, and then right here, and then right here to each of these milestones in the growth of your channel? So then this becomes a game of what's your next step? Do it and ignore everything else.
Literally, that is what I'm inviting you to do here. What is your next step? You keep your goals. You know where you want to go. But the very next step, what is that? Do it. And then repeat and repeat and repeat. And you'll find when you do that enough, you get the results you're looking for. So what I want you to do is stop saying it's too simple, Dang it.
I want you to prove it to me. I'm seriously, whatever your mind is saying, oh, whatever Nathan just explained, it's way too simple literally this is how to get the results you're looking for. Invest in the very next action. Do the very next step that will get you to where you're headed. Prove it to me. Prove that you're going to be different than 99 % of people who set out and say they're going to make a Youtube channel. Be successful. Prove it by actually doing the actions. Ok, enough of the rant.
Back to the blackboard and we're back to the blackboard for our second pillar here. I want you to do something that you can do long term. Now, again, I got to stop you before that sounds stupidly obvious, but really? How often have you thought or you ask yourself this question, what's the expiration date of this channel idea? How long can I do this with my current trajectory? What I'm currently doing with my channel? How long can I do this? Another question I'd be asking myself is am I wanting the result that this channel if played out will give me? Am I wanting that and not just the positive happy like oh money and you know I get to share what I love.
It's also, am I wanting the amount of time it's going to take? Am I wanting the amount of work and or expanding and learning how to delegate and build a team and basically create a Youtube business. Am I wanting those things? And if I'm not wanting those things, are the alternatives, the smaller options or the different ways of? Building the channel in the long run, am I OK with that? The point I'm trying to make here is that after looking at thousands and thousands of YouTube channels, I noticed a single thing that is a big determining factor, especially in the starting phases of a YouTube channel.
And here it is. Are you ready? It's are you already doing what you're considering making a channel about? If you're not, it's going to be a bigger transition for you. It's going to be tougher. Ok, so I decided to go to my chair rather than my desk in order to describe this to you because this one is a bit more soft skill esque because I see many cases this questioning yourself of can I do this longterm being a question of motivation and where your motivation comes from.
Because really when we boil it down how I would describe success or the accomplishment of something that we look to get, i would describe it this way. It's discipline of action over enough time and it actually has very little to do with motivation in fact. While back I saw a thread of someone was asking how do you have the motivation to work out all the time and be healthy. And all the responses were it's nothing to do with motivation, it's about discipline. So discipline of action over enough time will be a factor. Whenever you're growing your YouTube channel and get this action precedes motivation most of the time.
So the importance of this pillar, something you can do long term is. Are you at the point when you reach the point? It's not if. It's when you reach the point where you're feeling like I don't want to do this anymore. Are you going to choose to continue acting and wait for the motivation to come? It's tough, and I get it really well. There's probably things going on in your life right now that make it really difficult to be doing what you're doing.
And if they aren't right now, they probably will come. So the principle I'm trying to teach here is in those moments, we've got to stick to those actions and hold the right. Actions over enough time so that we can get those results even when the quote unquote motivation is just simply not there. And that's when in those times you need that deeper level of motivation. It's the thing that pulls you through and gets you doing those actions. When your motivation is up here or when it's down here and actually it reaches a point with every channel when you realize it needs to become work.
And I don't mean like bad work, but it needs to make the transition into your channel being seen as actual work. And there's a way to do that. And you know what? You know who? I need back to help explain this. Anna you're here. Ok, So what I wanted to talk about here is you've worked with a lot of people in the community, helping them work. One of the biggest moments for a YouTube channel is when it starts becoming, you start realizing, Oh my gosh, this is real.
What does that transition look like? What's kind of the sequence of events for transitioning from OK, this is just a hobby into this is solid yeah so the first thing is you've got to learn the language, you've got to learn YouTube, you've got to learn how to be on camera, of course, and produce videos consistently. And that leads into just practicing basically. And that's one of the hardest hurdles for people to get over, I think, is they watch the analytics a lot and they're watching for growth. But really what they need to do is just continually publish videos. And they're getting better at the same time being on camera and with their production.
Yeah, no. And I love that. And because those actions, naturally for you lead into results. You start getting results with your channel. You start saying, oh, my gosh, this is real. Like I'm making money. I'm not only monetized, I'm actually beyond monetization. I'm making money in other ways and at that point. This is when I would say you need to start systematizing. You need to start doing what you do on a regular basis and turn it into something that can be systemized so it's easier to replicate because the very next thing is delegating. Yes, at some point you're going to have more work than you can do as a sole person, and you're going to need to get some help for those tasks that are more automated that you continue to do so you can work more.
On your business and not inside your business, if that makes sense. Absolutely so. That's awesome. Now it's the obligatory. I need to now ask the guest in the video to say BOOP the like button. Can you have everybody boop the like button on this video? Boop the like button? Thank you, everybody. And if this video is being helpful to you thus far, I would appreciate if you would boop the like button so that it can spread to more people.
And here we are on to the third pillar that is investing in the right help. We talked about investing in the right actions, but what if you don't know what actions to take? How do you get the right help to know where you are? It's the bird's eye view, the third party to understand where you are with your channel right now. Well, there's a few simple options here. One is we can just. Figure it out on our own, you know, kind of scrap it together. And a lot of people do that all the time and a lot of people are successful with that.
The second is you can find the right help, the help that actually has the road map you're looking for. Or the 3rd is you can do a combination of all three of those. And so to that point, before we move back to my desk, I wanted to show you how I would distill this principle down to a single thing. It's investing in the right help, right? If I were to distill it down to a single thing, it would be what's your road map? Where do you want to be? What's the destination you want to be at? And who has that road map to help you get there? So here we are back at the desk and I wanted to talk more in depth on this.
And back to this visual I drew here earlier. Now where I often see a huge disconnect is that oftentimes we're over here and then we set our goal and it's so massive, but we don't necessarily have a plan or a road map to get to where we want to go. And So what that leads to a lot of people doing is they'll start off from where they are there.
They're over here and then they kind of go this way and they kind of go and they kind of go and they kind of. Go and they kind of go. And what you're seeing here is it's literally going to take more time to get to the same result because we're kind of figuring it out on our own. And like I said earlier, that's not necessarily an issue. And for most people, that's just fine. But what I'm trying to point out here is that you, yes, you watching this, your time is valuable.
And so when I'm talking here about investing in the right help, I'm talking about the right road map that shortens the amount of time that it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be. And so being 100 % transparent here, i have a road map for you. I literally have a program, it's called Project 24 that's built into an entire series of phases. Where does this come from, Nate? Well, I built out the entire system after observing thousands and thousands of channels from beginning to very large and starting to see some patterns.
There's anything that I feel like I have a talent for. It's seeing patterns and understanding. Ok, so if this happens a number of times, if I collect enough data, I can start to see what works and what doesn't. So I built. That into the road map and here we are back at the blackboard for the fourth pillar and that is pivoting well or pivoting correctly. So what we need in order to pivot correctly on our channel is we need ways to gather the right feedback. I'm going to explain a bit more of that here in a moment at my desk.
And the types of feedback you gather determine the types of pivots that you can do. There's three different types of pivots that I see channels making. The 1st is with the audience intent or the reasons why they watch your channel for one channel it could start out, your channel could be starting out for example, everything. About a specific video game answering all their questions. But then it might pivot into watching you play video games. You see those are very different intents coming to get an answer versus coming to be entertained.
The second type of pivot is in channel topic. This is probably the one that most people think about what's the topic? I was talking about camera and photography gear and now I'm talking about travel. That is a topic shift. And then the third type of pivot I'm looking at is in the content delivery style. Am I showing my face versus not showing my face? Am I using vlogs? Or am I sitting down static, talking head type of videos? And also I'd be looking at the locations that I'm filming at or the locations that I'm bringing the viewers to throughout my videos.
Ok, so on this topic of making sure that you find the right data sources for your pivots, I want to make sure that you avoid some of the biggest pitfalls that I see happening with channels like yours. You see what we're looking for with our feedback sources is this. You and I need to make sure that wherever we're going for to get our suggestions for whether we should pivot and how we should. Of it are good sources. So these are the three primary locations that I would look for to get reasonable feedback.
The first one is the right data. Now this oftentimes takes years of training to understand which data and analytics and the revenue that you're garnering from your YouTube channel, which data is the most important to listen to. I'm looking forward get this the data that pushes the results I'm looking for. So if I am looking to gain some subscribers and I see that a certain amount of watch time within a given. One video tends to show a higher subscribe rate for that video.
Then what does that mean? That means the subscribers is the result. I can't directly control whether people click subscribe or not, right? But what I can do is I can control how good I produce the video to increase the watch time. I hope you're following here. So which data to listen to depends on what result you're looking to get out of it. And spoiler alert here, in most cases if you have a very small channel, we don't have enough data to actually look at. The larger your channel is, the more views your channel. Gets the more data we have to make actionable decisions on, which leads us to this next thing, people. Now, this is not just any person or your random neighbor or the dude down the street that has no idea how to build a YouTube channel.
What you're looking for here is first of all trusted advisors. If someone like Nate myself, if I've become a trusted advisor based on you, try applying things. You start seeing oh, Nate knows what he's talking about, OK, then it's potential that he'll know what he's talking about with other topics that I haven't tested as much. So that's the first source, and the second source is actually your audience, because the types of feedback, and again this is all about asking the right questions, the type of feedback you get from your audience can really determine the direction you decide to take based on a reasonable amount of data or numbers coming in and a reasonable amount of responses and qualified responses.
This third one is you and I had to put this in here because I feel like in a lot of cases we overlook it. We feel we don't have enough confidence in ourselves to say that. We know what we're talking about enough to make a reasonable decision. Now, I get it. We're emotional beings, and most decisions, if not all decisions, are based off of an emotion. In this case, I want you to trust yourself a little bit. I want you to with these other factors is why I put this as number three on this list with the data with the trusted advisors, the people around you in your audience.
I want you to trust yourself. Also if you are feeling like things should be going a certain way to go with it, to go with your gut and test it out. Because the big thing I'm looking to save you from with this reasonable feedback loop here is the dangers of bad feedback. You see too little data and non experts or non qualified people even if they're an expert in some. Something does not mean that they're an expert on growing your Youtube channel.
So what we need here is an understanding of what it actually looks like to make correct pivots on your channel. And you know what we need. Also, we need another Anna moment, so I'm going to go see if I can find Anna. All right, so let's talk about this. So I wanted to go back to those channels we were addressing earlier right. What were moments that they pivoted on their channel? Ok, yeah. So with Charlie's channel, he's been doing this for about two years again. But what I noticed in the very beginning, I watched a couple of his videos.
It seems like he posted videos about just the journey of him flying. So really just he decided to fly in Idaho, for example, which is funny because we're in Idaho, but he chose a flight and he. We just showed the entire thing kind of from start to finish from the pilot seat, which is great. It's a great perspective, but it's doesn't have a lot of variety as far as production value. yeah and So what he's done is started to do more shots, more of a storyline, and of course, become more targeted to his audience yeah and the other thing I'm seeing here is he's become much more clear.
And this is for you watching here, the pivots, one of the most important pivots you can make is. Become much more clear on who your audience really is. And Charlie has been nailing it because in the past it was just kind of all over the place showing stuff. His thumbnails needed a little help. Also, they were a little generic looking. He's definitely been dialing that in, but I think the biggest thing I'm seeing is who his audience is.
Like he's been nailing that. So with cat's channel, what are you seeing? What are you seeing her do? Yeah so she obviously is figuring out who her audience is, right? Someone who's very passionate about dogs, German shepherds in particular. This is becoming kind of a lot of entertainment type content. Like we were mentioning earlier, she can really piggyback off of those trends and that kind of viral content. So she's totally getting that. And she's also done a really good job with her thumbnails in such a short period of time.
She's making them very interesting yeah and the other big thing I was seeing cat do, a big, very beneficial pivot is she's starting to understand where to put the different contents. So she has a separate shorts channel and then this content and which goes on which channel. So it's, again, actually matching the right audience with the right content. But she started to figure out what kind of behavior does the audience exhibit with this channel.
Versus the short channel. And she's doing awesome with that. And now I wanted to share another simple tool. Again, this may feel super simple, but I challenge you to prove it and see if it works for you. So it's a simple tool to determine whether or not you should make a pivot. So here's what I would do. I'd pull out a piece of paper or you could do it on your phone and do this. I would take your piece of paper and I would draw a line up here and then a line down the middle.
So you've got a big T going on here. And then at the very top you're going to write. The pivot you're considering, you're writing. The pivot you're considering, and then on this side you're writing for and then on this side you're writing against. So then what you're doing at this point is you're writing. This is the pivot I'm considering making with my channel.
What are all the arguments for it? And you write them down here. What are all the arguments against it, the reasons against making this pivot or this change? And here is where the ultra secret sauce comes in from. Nate here. I want you to look at these two sides. Don't overanalyze it, I mean. Give it a good amount of thought and consideration, but look at these two sides and determine which one is worst. Or another way to look at is which one do you like the least and then do the other one. Now, the reason I say that is because it's easy to get caught up in the world of, well, which one's better, when in fact, it can be very simple to say what we don't like.
It's simple, but again, I'm challenging you to do it, prove it and see how it works for you. And we're back at the blackboard. You Remember Me talking about something I was excited to share at the beginning? Well, this is it. I've already sort of spoiled it a little. Bits and one of these other principles, but I have a Youtube system called Project 24 where I teach you the entire road map to building a successful Youtube channel. And I got to speak to this because for most people, it's the missing link for them for these three reasons.
One, they're lacking structure. They don't know the next. Step to invest in to avoid going like this while they're progressing towards their desired goals. In Project 24 I have an entire phase system to walk you through exactly. I don't care where your channel's starting, here's where you are right now. These are the most important next steps to take. The next thing is clarity and the knowledge of where you are with your channel. When we're talking about, you know, where are you right now and where do you want to be. We can get pretty clear on where we want to be, but how valuable is it for most people, including yourself, to know? Oh, this is exactly where my.
Channel is right now, so I know the very next things to focus on. And then the third thing is the right help. I have an awesome community, man, I love the project. 24 community people are in there posting all the time, every 5 minutes. It's very active. And also when I'm editing this I'm going to include a few screen recordings of what I'm describing here. If you go to there's a video on there where I just open the curtain up and I show you behind the scenes of what it looks like. It's a living system. It's not a you get in there dumped and it's the same static thing forever.
I do my best to absolutely. Update it all the time so you can see all of that on I'm going to get to this last pillar, so we'll go ahead and go to channel makers after you watch this. So my watch times not awful and everybody leaving the video right now, but that's where to find it. Now let's go on to this last pillar here. This is your audience focus. This is one of, again, one of the most overlooked things I see in building a strong Youtube channel. But because it's so overlooked, I wanted to speak to it on a bit more of a personal level, what I mean with this.
But first let me explain all of this hula that's going on over here. This is how I would break it down. These are in percentages. So we've got the right actions, about 25 %. You're focusing on this, doing something you can do long term. This one's about 10 %. This one's a bit smaller because usually it comes down to a decision, a realization of clarity and saying, yeah, this is something I could do long term. Great, now I'm good. Finding and investing in the right help for your success is big, but it doesn't overcome everything, which is why I put it at 25 % here pivoting well, this one is another big chunk of 25 %, because if you know how to do this well, my friend, your channel is never going to die.
And then for. This last one, I put at about 15 % right here because it is important and it's core and central and it's kind of a baseline for everything else. But again, it's not something that you necessarily spend a lot of time focusing on. And then I put this last thing here, the number of videos, because one of the biggest questions I get from people is, well, how many videos do I need to publish before it's successful? Now, you know, in general, I say publish at least 100 before, you know, like, yeah, I like Youtube or not.
However, the principle here is you need to publish enough videos. So that it's enough. Now, that sounds kind of convoluted, but what I'm meaning here is if you were better at some of these things before starting a channel, or if you're currently better at really strong at one of these things and not so strong at the others, it will take less time and consequently less videos to reach the point that you're looking to get to with your channel. If you're a total beginner at all of these things, it's going to take more time, and that is OK.
And for the final pillar, we're back here in my turn. You know what that means? I want to talk about caring about your audience on a deep level. Now you. Might not have been expecting this in a more strategy centric video, which this is, but let's be honest, there are very few people, yourself, myself included, who can really build a fail proof Youtube channel without having some sort of focus on the audience. What I mean here is what is it about your audience that you're focused on in helping them? You see I heard a story a while back, it's possible it was just an urban myth.
I tried to find the story before recording this but it went something like there was a Broadway actor someone on the stage in Broadway that did the same show for 20 years straight, the same show almost every single night for 20 years straight. And the time came when people would ask him, how are you able to do that, because that holding, that level of focus and commitment, it was he was good every single night for 20 years. Holding that level of focus can be extremely taxing, especially when it feels that repetitive. And the story goes, they interviewed him and asked what did you do to do that? And he said, well, i made a small hole, or I found a small hole in the curtain of the stage.
And every night as the audience was assembling or gathering in the auditorium, I would look through that tiny hole in the curtain and I would remind myself, I would tell myself this is their first time, is the first time they're seeing this show. So I'm going to give it to them like that. You see there will reach a point more multiple points for you or I as we are building a strong channel and we're doing something to share that we enjoy doing that. We'll also need to go deep in understanding why we're doing it and who we are doing it for. And one of my biggest motivators for doing this channel in Project 24 and everything I'm doing is because I love seeing people take something that they're excited about, that they're good at, that they enjoy doing and finding a way to finally share it with the world.
If they're doing it currently, to take it to the next level, I just get pumped up by that. I love that is one of the biggest things that keeps me going and doing what I am doing. I'm going to invite you to check out project twenty four at channelmakers dot. Com just go see just go. Look at the video, see behind the scenes, decide if it's a match for what you are looking for, if it's the right road map, the right support that you need for growing your channel, and you know what else? We haven't had an Anna moment for a while. I think it's time to bring Anna back in here.
Anna, I know you're around here somewhere. Why should they go to Because. I update the milestones and I want to send him a plaque. So you heard her. See you there.